Mellow Yellow

Posted by Julie Porter on Thursday, May 29, 2014
This last couple of weeks I have been making a bag from a pair of black hipster jeans and decided maybe a bold yellow handle would make a change.  I hardly ever use yellow. Then I went on to make the yellow lining and finished it off with some buttons and lace to match. Against the black it is a nice contrast.  
I have also been knitting this month with yellow needles and using yellow/pink ribbon type wool.
All of this got me thinking about the associations we have to colour and how some colours we love while others we consider to "not suit us" or be unlucky and so on ... Sometimes these likes and dislikes can be from a very young age and some we develop through our life.  It can be good to shake it up and try new colours though...give it a go yourself and see what happens!

About Me

I am a keen make do and mender/recycler. I love crocheting too.  I have a "magpie eye" for anything sparkly, vintage or uber-cool!  I love live music, cups of tea ( I am so English!), and a cracking novel to read.